So, here I am again, emerged after an extended but unintentional pause. When people say that the years have been kind to them, I'm convinced they're either lying, have unrestricted access to recreational drugs, or are the offspring of one of the few and effete European royal families. The years that pass have their portion of good and bad in them, with the only common denominator being the increasing pace at which they pass. Yes, time is a rogue agent, operating under its own rules and unafraid to piss on the laws of physics.
It is unclear when and how that society has become an egocentric, narcissistic cesspool. Though many would argue that the rise of social media to be the main culprit. Too many people have been given an outlet to voice and act out their fantasies. This is what happens when people are allowed to rub one out to their own videos and photos, the ultimate Droste effect of recursive masturbation: Super Wank.
Intelligence and wisdom have dwindled proportionally with the increase of shallow people insisting on uttering their dim-witted opinions. Any form of reason or logic is shackled and gagged to make way for the simpleton's paradise. I've effectively stopped watching and reading news due to the endless feed of deterioration and corruption of morals. Traditional values designed to maintain and protect society have been deemed obsolete, only to be replaced by ideas inherently inclined towards violent mental masturbation. One might wonder where and when a line will be drawn, but it seems that people are happy doing whatever they want without being held accountable.
Statistically speaking, I still have a couple more decades on this planet. And while I can't imagine what new degenerative trends could surface during that time, I'm confident that the depraved cunts demolishing our society and culture won't disappoint. Can anything be done to stop or reverse this effect? Personally, I doubt it, but I'm willing and hoping to be proved wrong. For now, stay sane by staying away from the Super Wank.