Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Immutable Change

 As you get older, your circle of friends and confidants shrink drastically. People say: "we grow apart". A diplomatic statement to cover up the ugly truth of our increased self-awareness and selfishness that comes with age. Once we realise that the friend can no longer provide for our long-term needs, be it emotional, financial, or intellectual, that person is discarded. You could argue that this is a crude oversimplification and that more factors are involved, but be honest. We are self-serving cunts. Nobody loves you more than you love you. With that said, there are exceptions. There are people whose presence in our lives is a constant. They are with you through the good and ugly, always ready to catch you if you fall, listen, and tell you the truth.

Recently I lost someone very dear to me. If only the cause had been death, I would have been able to process the loss and tell myself that is the way of things. However, in this case, it resulted from engineered, twisted mindfuckery and puppeteering by a third party. Many nights have I lay awake, staring idly into the darkness, pondering how and why things crumbled to this state and ways to remedy it. Unfortunately, there is no going back. The pillar in my life cracked, and with it, my core, my foundation.

To presume that certain things can't change has proven to be a fallacy. While certain things in life may be sacred to you, others could very well disagree with your point of view in silence. You may realise that your pillar no longer has any need of you. Those long-term needs... well, they're provided by someone else.