Saturday, October 15, 2005

Edwardian Resuscitation

It wasn't just a new day. No, it was a new life. Blank pages were now occupied by writings of a promising future. I had finally gotten a job that I wouldn't loathe. I had been welcomed aboard on the wagon of life, and my journey was about to commence. I considered myself fortunate, and I saw how my efforts had finally paid off. Success was inevitable at this point. I was happy.

I had ordered a large pizza with lots of chilli to celebrate my victory over the bad times. Never had I enjoyed a meal like this one. I was in ecstasy. Unfortunately I was about to pay the price for my feast of triumph. I couldn't remember how long it had been, since I last ate any meal where chilli was an ingredient. In my elevated mood I completely forgot about the consequences of eating spicy food, but I was happy.

I couldn't count the times that I had gotten up throughout the night to go to the bathroom. Being very exhausted I was unable to comprehend, why my ass was on fire upon finishing my visit to the bathroom. I felt tempted to go downstairs and stick my butt in the freezer or insert ice cubes into my anus. However, the feeling of laziness and extreme fatigue was too overwhelming. I decided to go back to bed with flames sticking out of my ass. My ass would have to burn for now, because I was still happy.

This was not the end of a chapter. This was the ending of a book, and I was about to start writing a whole new one for my new life as an established homo sapien in modern society. I foresaw that life could only improve now. I had been at the bottom and used every single cell in my body to thrust myself upwards. I was on my way up. My destination probably wasn't the stars, but I would surely reach a celestial layer of some kind. I was happy.

Edward T. Shufflebottom

1 comment:

acmc52 said...

Acabei agora de ler e compreendo a alegria,o êxtase, a exuberância, o contentamento e todos os outros estados que eventualmente tenham ocorrido nos momentos que viveste, que são ímpares e únicos. Só se sentem uma vez...
Por isso ao ler a descrição, estou a ver-te, sofregamente comendo a tua PIZZA c/ CHILI, e, sendo descuidado, com o teu ser, já que ele merece cuidados especiais. Assim eu penso, fruto do que me foste transmitindo ao longo do tempo, por causa da tua ida ao Brasil.
Mas, a não ser as dores e o incómodo, que sentiste durante aquele tempo... dias não são dias e uma vez não é pecado (... e soube muito bem).
Pela maneira como escreves, sinto que há em ti um excelente contador de histórias.
Por isso, quero deixar-te aqui um incentivo, para que continues a escrever.
Só tenho pena que o meu modo de ler inglês seja um pouco lento, devido à falta de prática, para que possa acompanhar a tua escrita ao ritmo que escreves, mas aos poucos irei acompanhando, para me deliciar com ela, já que é incaracterística e espirituosa.
Um abraço aqui de Lisboa.